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Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Biological Phenomena through Modelling ICMAAM-2023, Kolkata, India, October 9–11
This volume presents a comprehensive compilation of chapters whose topics were presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Analysis...
Stochastic Differential Equations for Chemical Transformations in White Noise Probability Space Wick Products and Computations
This book highlights the applications of stochastic differential equations in white noise probability space to chemical reactions that occur in...
Discrete Mathematical Models in Population Biology Ecological, Epidemic, and Evolutionary Dynamics
This text lays the foundation for understanding the beauty and power of discrete-time models. It covers rich mathematical modeling landscapes, each...
Classical and Spatial Stochastic Processes With Applications to Biology
This textbook provides an accessible approach to concepts and applications of stochastic processes ideal for a wide range of readers. This revised...
The Dynamics of Front Propagation in Nonlocal Reaction–Diffusion Equations
The book provides a self-contained and complete description of the long time evolution of the solutions to a class of one-dimensional...
Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computations II 1st SGMC, Statesboro, USA, April 2–3, 2021 (Virtual)
This volume convenes selected, peer-reviewed research and survey articles that address the modern state-of-the-art in varied areas of applied...
Identifiability and Regression Analysis of Biological Systems Models Statistical and Mathematical Foundations and R Scripts
This richly illustrated book presents the latest techniques for the identifiability analysis and standard and robust regression analysis of complex...
Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computations I 1st SGMC, Statesboro, USA, April 2–3, 2021 (Virtual)
This volume convenes selected, peer-reviewed research and survey articles that address the modern state-of-the-art in varied areas of applied...
Pattern Dynamics of Marine Plankton Behavior Nonlinear Dynamics Applications
To ultimately address this serious issue, this book begins with the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of marine plankton, focusing on the dynamic...
Individual-Based Models and Their Limits
Individual-based models (IBM) describe a population as a collection of different organisms whose local interactions determine the behaviour of the...
Probabilistic Spiking Neuronal Nets Neuromathematics for the Computer Era
This book provides a self-contained introduction to a new class of stochastic models for systems of spiking neurons. These systems have a large... -
Mathematical Descriptors of Molecules and Biomolecules Applications in Chemistry, Drug Design, Chemical Toxicology, and Computational Biology
This book provides an up-to-date overview of data driven and evidence-based empirical approaches in the efficient application of chemodescriptors and...
Mathematical Modeling for Women’s Health Collaborative Workshop for Women in Mathematical Biology
The purpose of this work is to focus mathematical modeling on issues affecting women’s health. Working in six collaborative teams, researchers...
A Computer Scientist's Guide to Cell Biology
Unlike the structured world of computer science, biology is complex, evolving, and often lacks clean abstract models. This book aims to serve as a...
Identifiability and Observability in Epidemiological Models A Primer
This book introduces the concepts of identifiability and observability in mathematical epidemiology, as well as those of observers’ constructions. It...
Trends in Biomathematics: Exploring Epidemics, Eco-Epidemiological Systems, and Optimal Control Strategies Selected Works from the BIOMAT Consortium Lectures, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2023
This volume convenes carefully selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the BIOMAT 2023 International Symposium, which was virtually held on...
Predicting Pandemics in a Globally Connected World, Volume 2 Toward a Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Framework through Modeling and Simulation
In an increasingly globally-connected world, the ability to predict, monitor, and contain pandemics is essential to ensure the health and well-being... -
Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms for Bioinformatics
This book provides an updated and in-depth introduction to the application of multiobjective optimization techniques in bioinformatics. In...
Mathematical Modeling and Control in Life and Environmental Sciences Regional Control Problems
This monograph explores the use of mathematical modeling and control theory in a variety of contemporary challenges in mathematical biology and... -
Nonlinear Second Order Elliptic Equations
This book focuses on the following three topics in the theory of boundary value problems of nonlinear second order elliptic partial differential...